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Santosh K. De, B.M.E.(J.U.),F.I.E.,M.I.I.Ch.E.,Mem.A.S.M.E.(U.S.A.) Winner Of The " VASVIK RESEARCH AWARD 1981 "(for mechanical sciences & technilogy)
"Cyclo - Flame " technique, involving vortical motions of the non-ash-slagging furnace atmosphere and peripheral discharge of the hot products of combustion from the cyclonic combustion chambers, was developed for the purpose of highly efficient and smokeless burning of rice-husk. The results obtained from its commercial applications in the individual pattern of energy conversion and utilization, for mechanical paddy parboiling and drying processes, are indicative of the tremendous boost that it gives to the potentiality of husk as a renewable source of energy and of the possibility of the possibility of considerable relative saving of the fossil fuels that can be effected by universal application of this new technique, instead of the conventional method (using step-grate furnace for husk firing), in the said pattern.
Further,now,with the application of "Cyclo-Flame" technique, because of its super-efficiency in burning of husk,adoption of such an integrated system of energy requirrements,that is, the requirements of heat energy for the parboiling and the drying processes and the requirment of electric power for driving the machinery of all sections of the industry concerned, and can thus bring about an appreciable relative saving of the power generated centrally by the agencies concerned, in addition to a considerable relative saving of the fossil fuels.